
Orders within the EU are dispatched every Friday. Orders form outside the EU are dispatched Fridays in even weeks.




Frequently asked questions

How do I get in touch with you?
Please use the chat function in the lower right corner on this site. We’ll answer you as quickly as possible and within 15 minutes at the latest. So, hang in there and stay on the page – unfortunately, we can’t return to the page if it’s been closed. Please also feel free to email us at

How do I create an account?
To create an account, you need:

  • The web shop can only be accessed from an Ørsted PC.

Press the ‘Account’ button located at the top of the site. Then click on 'Create an Account'. Here you have to provide your name, your email address, and your password and decide whether your account is a ‘private’ or ‘business’ account.

The main difference between the account types is the ability to check out of the store with an invoice or credit card option. All orders must be delivered to an Ørsted location. When you’re finished creating your account, you’ll be redirected to your dashboard.

I’ve forgotten my password
Click on ‘Sign in’, choose ‘Forgot your password’, and enter your email.

I want to change my account
Click on ‘my profile’ choose ‘Edit profile’
Edit your profile and remember to save the changes at the bottom of the site.

What is the delivery time?
Orders are shipped once a week every Friday to European countries and once every two weeks every other Friday to overseas countries (odd weeks). Orders made before 11.00 am CET(Danish time) on Fridays for dispatch will be sent the same day.

The item is not in stock
Expected date for restocking will be displayed in the product description on the webshop.

Return form for webshop items
Please download the document here: Return form
Your purchase can be returned using the above return form.
The return form must be written using only capital letters.
Return the parcel from your local office.

How do I choose the right size?
Please see size measurements for sports- and leisurewear here: Measurements

Do I need a PO number?
You don’t need a purchase order for items purchased from the webshop.

General office info:
Phone 08: - 16:00 CET(Danish time)
+45 75 75 25 75

If you have further questions, please contact us by email